Monday, 4 April 2011

"Ray's a Laugh"

"Ray’s a Laugh” is a chronicle of an undeserved life, of non achieved dreams, a type of story lived for so many others. It is probably the best-known work of the photographer Richard Billingham that nowadays dedicates his work mainly to landscapes.  Are the landscapes some sort of exit for the land of alcohol-living, the land of smoke? Well probably Richard Billingham was able to found there the calm, the tranquillity, the peace that he wasn't able to find on his own home but we can not forget that in “Ray’s a Laugh” we can find moments of love and happiness. It seems quite easy to take photographs of our family, capture the emotions, but when confronted with that, it is actually really hard. How can be easy to capture through the lens the problems of our family, of our friends and put it into a book to the world to see? The best people to answer to that question are probably Nan Goldin, Richard Billingham and even Kent Klich in his work "The Book of Beth”. The main question is probably how can something so tragic and sad be so beautiful and so aesthetical magnificent at the same time? This book is able to drop us in a feeling of happiness and in the following moment in a feeling of despair.


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