Saturday, 21 May 2011

Modernism / Post-modernism

Cosmopolitan aesthetic of enthusiasm, which defined the arts and culture at the turn of the century. Modernism is marked by a period of euphoria, face to the new technological inventions, a bigger freedom of writing, questioning the values ​​ established ethical and literary. There was a main concern for tomorrow, leaving behind yesterday and today. Although all the modernist process had overtaken amazing ideas and visions, the devastation and waste was enormous, and even thought the technology world was growing there was a reduce of human labour and we were able too see them starving. It had an huge impact in our lives, all this progress of technology reduce the quality of life to machines, to the new industry. A period where the excessive confidence, demonstrated in the narratives of social transformation, and the wish of technology was visible. Against this industrial revolution we have the post-modernisma reaction to modernism; it comes to “devalue” the modernist ideals. The taste of rewrite and seduction by the amendment and correction of past events; break down the barriers that exist between high culture and mass culture are some of the fundamental aspects that characterize post-modernism. Will appear as a sort of a "reborn" of the ideas banned by the modernists. While post-modernism is concerned with the plurality, past, modernism as a higher concern with principles such as identity, authority and unity.


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